Helsport JP
Stream Pro Packraft
Stream Pro Packraft
Stream PRO Packraftは、究極のランドスケープトラバースツールです。 チューブ内の容積を増やすことで高い浮力を確保し、重い荷物を載せても 機敏に動くことができます。船体の生地は、内側と外側の両方にTPUコー ティングを施し、耐穿孔性を高めています。
また、縫い目の数を最適化することで軽量化を図り、ウィークポイントを 最小限に抑えています。パドリング時の肩への負担を軽減するため、 シートは通常より高めに設定されています。 また、背中を支えるバックレストも不要です。
The Stream PRO Packraft is the ultimate landscape traverse tool. Being robust and lightweight at the same time it is perfect for multiday adventures, both hiking and floating. High buoyancy with more volume in the tubes keeps the packraft agile, even when carrying heavier loads. The hull's fabric has a TPU coating on both the inside and outside for that extra puncture resistance. The number of seams has been optimized to save weight and minimize the amount of weak points. The seat is higher than normal to minimize the stress on your shoulders when paddling. No separate back rest is needed as we have designed the packraft to support your back better than a separate back rest can. Inflation bag and carry bag are included.
●Durable and robust packraft with generous capacity for carrying cargo
●Offers space and great stability for 1 person
●Spraydeck, seat and pump bag included
●Comfortable paddling position through innovative design